Alistair Forrest
Harry Perkins Institute for Medical Research, WA, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Professor Alistair Forrest is an expert in transcriptomic (gene expression) analysis and as scientific coordinator of the FANTOM5 consortium led an international team to global maps of human promoters, enhancers, microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs. These are landmark resources that are being used world-wide to build transcriptional regulatory networks, understand the effect of regulatory variant polymorphisms and for identifying cancer biomarkers. Recently it was announced that Professor Forrest would lead a multi-disciplinary team of over 40 scientists and clinicians based in Western Australia to apply single-cell sequencing to study a diverse collection of tumour samples to ask questions on tumour heterogeneity, the relationship between primary, metastasis and circulating tumour cells, resistance and recurrence, the tumour microenvironment and biomarker identification. This work is supported by funds from the Cancer Research Trust and Cancer Council WA. Additionally the facility is supported by a grant from the Australian Cancer Research Foundation.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Global down-regulation of cellular communication components is a master hallmark of cancer. (#171)
8:30 PM
Riti Roy
Poster Session 1
An atlas of human long non-coding RNAs reveals their heterogeneity and evidence of their widespread function (#206)
8:30 PM
Chung-Chau Hon
Poster Session 2
Identification of a Distal Regulatory Element of the Human Neuroglobin Gene (#208)
8:30 PM
Kin Tung Tam
Poster Session 2
Gene Prioritization in Novel Copy Number Variants Regions Associated with Autism (#209)
8:30 PM
Hamid Alinejad-Rokny
Poster Session 2
Mapping regulatory networks and identifying the targets of disease associated genetic risk by chromatin conformation capture in Human Regulatory T cells (#22)
3:30 PM
Simon C Barry
Session 4A: Regulation of gene expression 1
Searching for the CANVAS disease gene (#282)
8:30 PM
Sarah J Beecroft
Poster Session 2